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Mr. Clinton H. Howard, Our founder »
RBC Life Sciences began with a vision more than 25 years ago. Our founder, Clinton H. Howard, uncovered the true healing properties of a legendary plant, Aloe Vera.
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Dr. Christopher Hills »

The story of modern day Spirulina begins with Dr. Christopher Hills.  He set out to find a solution to hunger that plagued developing countries. 

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Dr. Albert Zehr »

Long before nutritional supplements were popular, Dr. Albert Zehr was teaching people how to regain their health with natural remedies.

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Technology & Quality »
RBC Life Sciences is committed to delivering the finest quality products. We manufacture key elements and proprietary ingredients in our own facilities. This gives RBC the unique ability to control quality and ensure efficacy.



   Mr. Clinton H. Howard, Our founder - A true innovator in more than one sense of the word.

Mr. Clinton H. Howard
Founder & Father of Modern Aloe Vera

RBC Life Sciences began with a vision more than 25 years ago. Our founder, Clinton H. Howard, uncovered the true healing properties of a legendary plant, Aloe Vera.

His vision of innovative research on Aloe Vera led him to become known as the “Father of Modern Aloe Vera." He recognized very early that traditional botanicals could be scientifically researched to identify and confirm significant health benefits from these natural sources.

His life is dedicated to scientifically researching natural, traditional botanicals to confirm their significant health benefits.

Mr. Howard pioneered methods of producing natural ingredients to be delivered in their most beneficial form. This unique combination of research and production of Aloe Vera and other botanicals truly sets RBC Life Sciences apart. 

As a result, our health and wellness products are of the highest quality and most effective of any existing in our marketplace. Mr. Howard brings unsurpassed knowledge and unparalleled products to benefit everyone everywhere. 



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