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I was 50 years old and stuck. Out of shape. Out of energy. Big tummy, little hope. Someone told me I could lose weight on 10 Days of Chocolate. I love Chocolate and thought, "hmmm, this sounds easy and fun. If only it works."

Wow, does it ever? I lost 20 pounds and 3 sizes in 3 months!

That's when I got serious. I wanted more. Encouraged by my initial weight loss that had given me hope as I shed the pounds, I hired a personal trainer and added BioShape and Protivity to my program.

Since I had not exercised during my initial weight loss, I had 26% body fat. I was smaller but I still looked terrible in a swimsuit. So, I decided to do something about it. In the next 12 weeks I lost an additional 22 pounds, 2 more dress sizes and 11% body fat!

I feel alive. I have energy and enthusiasm. I feel great about the new me!

I believe the RBC products enabled me to get carbohydrates under control and to get off the "energy roller coaster". After watching my husband run 25 marathons, I now have the strength to run with him. We're training for the upcoming New York Marathon.

RBC Life Sciences's 10 Days of Chocolate and their life-changing products, changed my life. They made the athlete I could be, a reality.

- Cindy from Pennsylvania


 © 2006, RBC Life Sciences, Inc. | PRIVACY POLICY